Mandarin Radio Host

Cheryl Wang


Asian program with Cheryl Wang

is a new bilingual educational program focuses on early literacy in educating kids learning Chinese and Chinese culture through reading, singing and various interactive activities. We are also working with a team of experts to make sure we come up with the best content that engages children and meets all of our young patrons’ interests.        作为一位在双语环境下生活多年的中国家长,Cheryl将和My Radio 580团队主创人员一起,每周为亲子家庭呈现全新亲子双语唱读音频节目Cheryl Loves Chinese。   Cheryl Loves Chinese 每期以周课,周诵和周趣三个版块的形式呈现给大小朋友,辅以和小朋友进行场景式互动的方式,再加上Cheryl原创或翻译及改编的和节目主题有关的小故事,小诗词和小歌曲。   中英绘本 + 国际育儿观念 + 中文启蒙 + 传统文化,Cheryl Loves Chinese 首创学习中文传统文化的中英双语唱读模式, 为小朋友们学习中文,了解中国传统文化带来更加丰富有趣的形式和内容, 帮助爸爸妈妈和孩子们度过好玩好听又有收获的亲子学习时光。   若有诗书藏于心,岁月从不败美人。Beauty […]

Cheryl Wang is one of the Chinese program hosts at My Radio 580, she has obtained her master’s degree in East Asian Studies from the University of Toronto as well as a diploma in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language from Tianjin Normal University. As a mother of a two-year-old little boy, Cheryl is more interested in educating her child as well as others to appreciate the beauty of Chinese arts & culture. In her free time, Cheryl loves to translate from Chinese, both classical poetry and narrative plays such as Peking Opera and Beijing Drum Songs, with precision and elegance.

Cheryl Loves Chinese is a new bilingual educational program (Wednesday 7 pm – 8 pm)

Cheryl Loves Chinese is a new bilingual education program that focuses on early literacy in educating kids to learn Chinese and Chinese culture through reading, singing and various interactive activities. We are also working with a team of experts to make sure we come up with the best content that engages children and meets all of our young patrons’ interests.

作为一位在双语环境下生活多年的中国家长,Cheryl将和My Radio 580团队主创人员一起,每周为亲子家庭呈现全新亲子双语唱读音频节目Cheryl Loves Chinese。

Cheryl Loves Chinese 每期以周课,周诵和周趣三个版块的形式呈现给大小朋友,辅以和小朋友进行场景式互动的方式,再加上Cheryl原创或翻译及改编的和节目主题有关的小故事,小诗词和小歌曲。

中英绘本 + 国际育儿观念 + 中文启蒙 + 传统文化,Cheryl Loves Chinese 首创学习中文传统文化的中英双语唱读模式, 为小朋友们学习中文,了解中国传统文化带来更加丰富有趣的形式和内容, 帮助爸爸妈妈和孩子们度过好玩好听又有收获的亲子学习时光。

若有诗书藏于心,岁月从不败美人。Beauty will never fade if you appreciate the elegance of poetry & books from the deep bottom of your heart. 欢迎大家每周跟我们准时期待Cheryl Loves Chinese! 周三晚上七点至八点,小朋友大朋友一起来,跟人美学中文。 Cheryl Loves Chinese 邀您一同领略中国传统文化之美,诵读古今中外的经典之作。

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